Faith, Hope and Charity

Ödön von Horváth
Translated by Christopher Hampton

Faith, Hope and Charity, by Christopher Hampton, tells the story of a young girl’s struggle to survive in the Vienna of the early thirties, a victim of forces she does not comprehend.

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Set in the socially and economically oppressed Vienna of the early thirties, this play is the story of a young girl’s struggle to survive in the city, a victim of forces she does not comprehend. As the play opens, she is trying to sell her body to an anatomical institute.

Odonvon Horvath

Ödön von Horváth (1901-1938) was born in Fiume, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, of an aristocratic Hungarian-speaking family. His plays include: Italienische Nacht (Italian Night) 1931, Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (Tales from the Vienna Woods) 1931, Kasimir und Karoline (Casimir and Caroline) 1932, Figaro Lässt sich Schieden (Figaro Gets a Divorce) 1937, Don Juan Kommt aus dem Krieg…

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Odonvon Horvath
Portrait of Ödön-von-Horváth